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    Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

    The Devil Sysmbols - Magic And Technology

    Read about the magic and the enlightenment period all the scientists were magicians ( they were all into black magic) you read about francis bacon. I just read a biography of bacon, called knowladge is power magic and the creation of modern science.

    francis bacon was reading all of these magical books Arthur c clarke, great technologist.

    he actually has most of the patents, that enabled he satellites, if you look at his interview with BBC in 1961 where he predicts the internet, he predicts the cell phones, he predicts the texting, he said that by the year 2000 people are going to have hand held devices that will enable them to talk to anybody anywhere.

    he will have in his own house, not a computer as big as this, but atleast a console a trought which he can talk to his friendly local computer and get all the information he needs! for his everyday life, like his bank statements, his theatre reservations all the information you need this will be in a compact form in his own house!

    Arthur C. Clarke said and he has there laws in technology, one of his laws is no technologhy reaches, a level of complexity except it becomes indistinguishable from magic, so i'm not a luddite, but this whole worshipful attitude towards technology to me is really stupid.

    This is a book from the 15th century, it's a pictures of the devil this is something muslims sometimes used to dipict (kitab al-burhaan), but i want you to look at this hands, you see this sign.

    i don't even wanna do it on film, because people will take a clip and then have me in one of those pictures doing that sign it's an evil sign, don't do these signs! and kids watch spiderman and then they wanna do the sign because spiderman does it! and you don't wanna be spiderman! you wanna be a human man! not an arachnoid a humanoid!

    These signs, even this one which i don't like doing, but that sign, muslim should not do that sign! that actually comes out of magic, these are signs were, they're magicial signs.

    we have no symbols in our religion even the crescent and the moon, it's a seljuk tradition! the prophet (saw) had no symbols in his religion, it's one of the miracles of our religion! because this is demonic stuff. So, that is a very important symbol, now this is what they worship, the santanists, baphomet!

    If you notice he's androgynous, so it's a male, female mixture! also making these signs, you see this signs he's making using this sign because 11 is a devils number, because 11 is 1 beside 1, and you will notice that in their numerology they use 11 a lot and they like multiples of 11, 22, 33, 66, they like these multiples.

    Imam al ghazali says in their magic they know the secrets of numbers, and so they use numbers, the prophet (saw) when they used magic on him, they blew on 11 knots! and this is why the mu'awwidahatayn has 11 ayats (surat al-ikhlas, al-falaq, an-nas), because it protects againts their magic.

    so this is real stuff people, i'm not making this up, this is real stuff! you either belive it or you don't, and if you don't it's at your own peril! but this is real stuff! sihir (magic) is a reality in the world and people practice magic, and one of the practises is trought the eye.. seducing the eyes in television and spectacle! you can see madonna imatating baphomet, because she's one of them and she is a nomerologist! she practises numerology.

    This is lady gaga! that everybody is gaga about. People tell me, oh you got a lot of followers on your twitter! i don't even know, i did twitter on time and regretted it! but and i said that means nothing, Lady gaga's got tens of millions of follower, so the devil has plenty of followers on twitter!

    it means nothing! we want to be on the account with god, we want to have the angles following us, please with us! happy about what we're doing! now maleficent you can see, see disney they used to films where the witch was evil and now they entice them, this is the fitna.

    They make a baeutiful see, thay used to make them old hags if you see, the old films, the witch was an old hag, but we get them by degrees, now they take somebody that many people consider a very beatuful woman, and they put her in baphomets mask! and then it becomes seductive, he take people by degrees, i mean what is this? why are they doing this? why are you wearing horns? we're human beings! we are not demons! and then you can see these signs, why do they use these symbols? now this man over here...Lavey

    Anton lavey started the church of satan, he wrote a satanic bible, and he expland that, that symbol. That they're all doing, that you saw on the muslim grapich of the devil, that symbol he said was a curse symbol of devils!

    That's the way they put curses on people. "I understand that, what are you doing ? i'm giving a blessing to the audience i don't think they apreciate it they were throwing it back well they touht it was a curse would you like me to show them how the sign of the curse works? completely different, how does it go? no not at you, not at you people out there in he audience but this is difference aim it towards red shiner would you. This is the sign of the horns a cuse sign, two finger extended, this way spread apart for sort of shot gun blast, I always figured if i met the devil, it had dirty finger nails, no they're not! yes they are dirty, dirty finger nails, so that's the sign of the horn and the what happens? is hat it? well there are other ones too, what are the other one ? one of them is the apox sign that's three fingers extended apox on you.. During the middle ages this was used, you're a bad cat".

    Right and you've got people at rock concerts they're all doing it, thinking it's cool, merillin mason was a follower of Anton lavey, he has tens of thousand go to his rock concerts, he has them openly denounce god ,openly, he says, i want you all to reject god tonight! and they all do it.

    So this is real stuff people, he's very commited to this, he's a minister in the church of satan and they use music, because music is fitna, it's enticing, it sucks you in! you like it, it's enjoyable this is what he looked like when he was a little kid and this is one of their symbols also they use, this astrological symbols, this was a cover of the beatles because john lenin was heavily involed in magic, he was a follower of Aleister crowley who was magician and he massive influence on wastern civilization, he's of these unknown influences but they follow him this is them in doctor suits with abortion, the warner brothers were so disturbed by thi,. that they covered it over.

    Now this has no shock value for people in the west but in those days it had shoch value, but this was an album cover that they chose because, they believed in free sex, free sex necessitates abortions because people get unwanted pregnancies, this is the footsteps of the devil that's how he takes people, that's why Allah says don't kill your children out of fear of poverty but then don't go near the (lust, illegal sex) that will make you want to kill your children there they are doing these symbols, you see and this is another symbol even thought means okay, it's actually a demonic symbol that represents 666.

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